Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nameless and Faceless

Sorry for the seems that Life has been happening to me over the last several days, but I wanted to get up a couple of posts before the weekend.
One the greatest challenges for the Church in America as it attempts to "Bring Love to Town" is that we are, at times, so clean, sanitized and separated from the pain which is so prevalent in other parts of the world.
We saw a video on Sunday which challenged us to consider helping our brothers and sisters in Thailand. They desire to be a light on the mountain top. There goal is to be light of Jesus which pierces the darkness in their very dark world.
Sunday the nameless and the faceless where given a name and a face and thus have become hard to ignore. If I am honest, I think this is when and where real and lasting life-change happens. When you and I no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of those around us. When we stand up and contend for others. When we lock eyes with them and no matter how much it hurts, we choose not to look away.
Sometimes when we go through times of pain we, "Try not to think about it." I have heard that strategy from many Christian and it is true that the Bible tells us not to anxiously obsess (I will try and put this in context later) but the reality is this, if Christ followers choose to keep looking away from sin, its manifestations and effects, in the lives of people we love just because it hurts us too much we are not doing what Jesus would do.
Don't look away. Seek justice more than comfort. Put a name with the face. Stop and talk. Look for opportunities. Pray for open and receptive hearts. Reach into the septic tank because you can't leave them in there. Dad loves them and wants them to come home.

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